Range of Services

From Storydoing to Storysharing: Hire me to explore your Brand’s Purpose and to transform it into meaningful action by holistic Strategic Storytelling. Here’s my range of marketing services to make your story move mountains.

Brand Consulting

Whether it’s brand repositioning, global strategy development or a smaller-scale consultancy project, let's always take a people-first perspective.
Being expert at working with brands to explore their Purpose, every project starts with a simple question: What’s your story?

Click on the box heading to see all Brand Consulting services sorted by categories:

  • Holistic Brand Consulting and Management
  • Strategy and Positioning
  • Real Life Explorations
  • Creative Excellence
  • Lovebrand Development

Writing & Authoring

I specialize in Brand Identity, Insight and Concept Writing.
Because it's the right stories that drives traffic and sales, I've also started offering my Journalistic and Brand Journalistic Writing skills (German language only) with a special focus on society, nature and culture. Check out my Blog to find work samples on Purpose Marketing as well as some selected Journalistic Texts.

Click on the box heading to see all (Ghost) Writing and Authoring services sorted by categories:

  • Copywriting
  • Brand Journalism
  • Classic Journalism


If a picture is worth a thousand words, photographers are worth a million.
Photographs and video are the most immediate way to draw viewers into a narrative.
Harnessing the expertise of my network of filmmakers and photographers, we create exceptional, inspirational and shareable content that unpacks and explores the story of your brand.

Click on the box heading to see all
Audiovisual Content sorted by categories:

  • Photo
  • Film
  • Blog | Vlog

Storytelling - The essential human activity

80% of consumers know nothing about the brand they just bought.*
People wouldn’t even care if 77% of all brands disappeared.*

An alarming number of brands have a relevance problem. And this is despite the fact that buzzwords like Purpose, Mission Minded, Customer Centricity and Lovebrand are currently on everyone’s lips. Nearly every brand tries to tell the story of its added social value. No wonder, since 93% of all consumers want to know what companies are doing to make the world a better place.**

So why do people still not give a shit about most of our marketing efforts?
Sure, the bad apples in our sector exist and they are not few in number. They don’t walk the talk, the stories they tell are not real and in return they get a well-deserved credibility problem. #greenwashing

I think the main reason why people don’t care is that marketing is too often misinterpreted as „message making“. But we’re in the business of Storytelling.
And as we work through our messages along the Customer Journey, we all too easily forget that our customers are people. Human beings with feelings, empathy and their very own set of values and priorities. Many brands forget that marketing has never been about the products or services we’re producing, but about how our stories make people feel.

Conclusion: Homo sapiens is addicted to storytelling – it’s a deeply rooted instinct of man and a much more fundamental characteristic than, for example, reason. In fact, it would be more correct if we followed Walter Fisher, American academic, in calling ourselves not Homo sapiens, but Homo narrans. For thousands of years we’ve gathered around campfires to unleash our imaginations, share experiences and expand our minds.

However, authentic stories are just as powerful today. They are leaving us hanging off every word in a novel or leaving us unable to sleep until we’ve binge-watched all episodes of this new Netflix series. Creative storytelling engages people with your content. It brings them into your world, and creates empathy and connection with your brand or product. And viewers that identify with your product on an emotional level are much more likely to turn into loyal customers.

„We are, as a species, addicted to story.
Even when the body goes to sleep, the mind stays up all night, telling itself stories.“
-Jonathan Gottschall

*Source: Havas, Meaningful Brands, 2019
**Source: Cone/Echo Global Corporate Responsibility Study