Strategy and Positioning

Strategic Storytelling on Purpose

Strategy is an imaginative act as it imagines a different future. Having said that, the narrative force of a strategy is the decisive factor for success or failure. You need to put your strategy, brief, or presentation into words that will others get enthused about your vision.

Whether it’s brand repositioning, global strategy development or a smaller-scale consultancy project, let’s always take a people-first perspective. Being expert at working with brands to explore their identity, every project starts with a simple question: What’s your story?

Even well-established brands struggle to sustainably differentiate from the competition. A common reason is the recurrent attempt to differentiate by rational performance factors. But every price is beatable, almost every product is replicable and each service can easily be copied by your rivals.
Since none of these „things“ can be used as a true point of difference, brands need to rethink what they want to be famous for.

After countless attempts Sisyphus finally realizes that he will never succeed in being known for things that are different – when suddenly a ruse occurs to him: „If I cannot be known for things that are different, then, yes, I will be known for things that people care about.“


  • Insight Development
  • Brand Purpose
  • Brand Positioning
  • Strategic Planning
  • Concept Writing
  • Creative Planning